Safety and Technology Levy 2024 FAQs

Safety and Technology Levy 2024: FAQs
Posted on 06/28/2024

The LISD Replacement Safety and Technology Capital Projects Levy
The 2024 Replacement Safety and Technology Capital Projects Levy is a four-year rA teacher smiles as hist students show him their work on their computerenewable levy that provides funding for school technology, technology staff, and campus safety upgrades.

Who is making the recommendation for this levy?
The LISD CTAC (Community Technology Advisory Committee) composed of representatives from school staff, board members, students, and community members, has been working together to evaluate technology at our school and assess the needs going forward. The committee has been meeting throughout the school year to create a technology levy proposal that best addresses our students’ needs and is an appropriate ask for our community.

Students using digital pens to complete math problems

When is the election?
August 6th, 2024

How much is the Safety and Technology Capital Projects Levy Renewal?
The Safety and Technology levy on the August ballot totals to $525,000 a year for four years.

What will it cost Lopez Land Owners?
The tax implications are $.21 per $1,000 of assessed value. For a property assessed at $500,000, the tax burden for that landowner would be $105 per year. The 2020 technology levy renewal started at an assessed value of $.19 per $1,000 of assessed value. Increases to this levy factor in the rising costs of materials and labors as well as the additional safety upgrades.

How will the money be spent?
Levy funds will be used to purchase student laptops, staff computers, audio and videoStudents participating in a collaborative presentation using school technology equipment such as projectors, screens, and speakers, network infrastructure that provides safe and secure internet access to our students and staff, software for classroom instruction and communication, training, staff who integrate and support these technologies, and much more. It will provide modern technological tools to students and help staff push forward with cutting edge digital learning. Additionally, this levy will also fund district wide safety and security upgrades that will substantially increase campus safety.

Why do we need this levy now?
The first LISD technology levy was passed in 2016 for a four year term and then again in 2020 for another 4 years. Both levies were very much supported by a wide majority of our generous island community. The 2020-2024 levy term is coming to an end and thus the funding as well. The levy on the ballot for August 6th will allowA Paraeducator looks on as a student uses a school laptop to engage in their assignment the school to continue providing these essential tech tools for our students and maintain and improve upon a safer learning environment for our students. Without these essential funds, student learning will suffer at LISD.

How can I help?
Please reach out to [email protected] to get involved!LISD students and staff gather together to hold up signs thanking lopez island voters for approving the technology levy
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